7 VCU School of Dentistry faculty members inducted into the International College of DentistsSeven VCU School of Dentistry faculty members were inducted into the International College of Dentists (ICD) USA Section at the 2024 ICD USA Section Annual Meeting. (left to right: Drs Luciano Andrada, Ana Andrada, VaCora Rainey, Lyndon Cooper, Aous Abdulmajeed, Awab Abdulmajeed and Parthasarathy A. Madurantakam - not pictured.)

7 VCU School of Dentistry faculty members inducted into the International College of Dentists

Seven VCU School of Dentistry faculty members were inducted into the International College of Dentists (ICD) USA Section at the 2024 ICD USA Section Annual Meeting. The ceremony was held in Nashville, Tennessee on September 7.

Each faculty member was honored for exemplifying the core values of integrity, leadership and service to the community.

Among the Class of 2024 Fellows were:

  • Lyndon Cooper, D.D.S., Ph.D., dean of VCU School of Dentistry 
  • Awab Abdulmajeed, D.D.S., M.S., assistant professor and digital dentistry clinic director
  • Aous Abdulmajeed, D.D.S., Ph.D., associate professor
  • VaCora Rainey, D.D.S., assistant professor
  • Ana Andrada, D.D.S., D.M.Sc, associate professor
  • Luciano Andrada, D.D.S., M.M.Sc., interim chair of the Department of Periodontics
  • Parthasarathy A. Madurantakam, D.D.S., M.D.S., Ph.D., professor

The International College of Dentists is a leading honorary dental organization that recognizes outstanding professional achievement, service and dedication to the progress of dentistry for the benefit of all humankind. 

“This is a proud moment for our academic community,” said Cooper. “I am grateful for the recognition of several of our dedicated faculty members. Their unwavering dedication to excellence in dental education and patient care is a continual source of inspiration for us all. Congratulations to these outstanding dental professionals.”

Fellowship in the college is extended by invitation only, and a nominated dentist must pass a rigorous peer-review process. Rainey was nominated by Justin Norbo, D.D.S., vice regent of the ICD USA District 16.

“I have given back to the profession for so many years through organized dentistry and now as an educator at VCU. When you live a life of service, it becomes routine,” said Rainey. “It means so much that a colleague recognized my contributions and took the time to nominate me.”

She added that her experience being inducted alongside her colleagues at VCU SOD was awe inspiring. 


“The whole process of being in a robe and announced in front of your peers is an experience I'll never forget,” said Rainey. “Having a group of VCU faculty inducted together was a special experience. It's like we celebrated together. It was definitely a bonding experience for all of us.”

Inductees were presented with a membership plaque, a gold lapel pin and an engraved gold key symbolic of the fellowship for conspicuous service rendered in the art and science of dentistry. 

School of Dentistry’s seven faculty members were among more than 350 dentists from the United States who were inducted into the College at this year's ceremony. The College, with representative chapters in more than 138 countries, has over 12,000 members, including 6,000 in the United States.