CARE: Compassion, Accessibility, Respect and Excellence
VCU School of Dentistry's strategic planning process identified several values that we have summarized as "CARE," our acronym for Compassion, Accessibility, Respect and Excellence. Reflecting on our students' journeys through dental school, they all merit careful attention and focus. Recognizing student wellbeing as paramount to overall success, we are redoubling our efforts to better understand student needs and deliver solutions to their challenges.
Many things can and will be done, but we will begin with three initiatives that include:
- Anonymous surveys of students on a regular basis to inform progress and identify ongoing challenges,
- Working with students to understand the data from the ADEA Climate Survey (first meetings held just last week), and
- Monthly meetings of the School's leadership with dental and dental hygiene class representatives.
Additionally, as Dr. Byrne continues to serve in the interim role of Associate Dean for Student Services, we are immediately exploring ways we may enhance student services in the School.
There are also steps being taken to promote faculty and staff wellness, with examples being the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration faculty loan repayment grant and the successful formation and ongoing efforts of our Staff Committee.
CARE must be demonstrated, and it's more than an acronym. CARE must be action, and these first steps are just the beginning of how our School of Dentistry can advocate for the wellbeing of our students, our staff and our faculty.
Lyndon F. Cooper, D.D.S., Ph.D., F.A.C.P.
Dean and Professor of Prosthodontics