Celebrating our successes in 2022 and looking ahead to 2023Dean's Blog Lyndon F. Cooper

Celebrating our successes in 2022 and looking ahead to 2023

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”  – John F. Kennedy

As this year ends, I must admit that change has been a way of life here at VCU School of Dentistry. I joined the school as our new Dean and at least nine other new faculty have arrived since April. We’ve added more technology, welcomed new program directors, developed a new strategic plan, modified course content, increased productivity, published new papers, obtained new grants, and welcomed new students, residents and trainees. We must also pause to thank those who are departing and who have contributed so much to the success of the School of Dentistry. My hope is that these changes inspire everyone to explore new opportunities and take on new challenges.

Additional aspirational changes are ahead. Soon, I will share more exciting news that I hope will inspire and energize us all in the New Year as we strive to provide greater access to care across Virginia, enhance education through the integration of cutting-edge technology, and bolster our research to improve oral health and wellness throughout our communities. We will enter 2023 with great momentum, and I am proud to work toward these goals together.

Thank you all for a terrific semester, and please join me in celebrating our successes in 2022, pausing to thank our peers for their individual efforts in achieving our goals, and looking forward to a great 2023.

Lyndon F. Cooper, D.D.S., Ph.D., F.A.C.P.
Dean and Professor of Prosthodontics