Express your gratitude to othersDean's Blog Lyndon F. Cooper

Express your gratitude to others

Next week, we will celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday.

Irrespective of the different ways that we may choose to embrace this day, it reminds me that beyond the gastronomic excess, football, and relaxation of a cool fall day, there is the important theme of gratitude. I am extremely grateful for the extended and generous welcome that VCU and Richmond have bestowed to me and my family, and that I am able to joyfully meet every day and share these days with the great people around me. 

Gratitude has been defined as a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible. In the context of our days in the dental school, this is many things and embraces everyone we encounter. It is said that being gracious is associated with an individual’s greater happiness.  It makes us feel more positive about our own place in the world, and it also helps us to better appreciate our own experiences and to deal with our individual challenges. 

Please, take just a moment in the coming days to express your gratitude to others. I think you’ll feel better! In that spirit, THANK YOU, for all you do to make VCU School of Dentistry the terrific place that it is and will be. 

Lyndon F. Cooper, D.D.S., Ph.D., F.A.C.P.
Dean and Professor of Prosthodontics