Making a difference in periodontal education

Making a difference in periodontal education

by Sharon Lanning, D.D.S. (cert. ’99/D), professor and chair

Two endowments were recently established to help support the Department of Periodontics.

Jean-Claude Kharmouche, D.M.D. (HS ‘97), alumnus of our graduate program and a devoted adjunct faculty member since 2005, provided a gift of $50,000 to support the needs of the Department. A target area for this endowment is faculty development to ensure we continue to attract and retain quality faculty.

Gerald Kluft, D.D.S. (D.D.S.’73) provided a gift of $25,000 to establish scholarships for periodontal residents. A resident interested in or committed to an academic career in periodontics is eligible for scholarship.

We are extremely grateful for their commitment to periodontal education.