Time to finish strong and celebrate your success
In a little more than a month, we’ll celebrate graduation with our senior dental and dental hygiene students. These concluding weeks will be busy and exciting, and both classes should be proud of all they have accomplished. The class of 2023 achievements reflect outstanding performance facing extraordinary circumstances.
Not long after the start of the spring semester in 2020, VCU, like all other dental schools, closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The response from our administration was commendable--they went above and beyond to institute safety protocols and reopen the school faster than nearly any other in the country. However, the disruption to our students' lives and education was undeniable.
A lot changed in an instant. Barriers went up in labs and clinics, policies and procedures changed, courses were converted from in-person to virtual, manikins came home. On top of that, students had to deal with the effects of a new virus on our society—folks lost friends and family members. Together, we learned to cope with immense changes to our personal lives.
But, you prevailed. You rose above these challenges and are now poised to graduate and enter the next phase of your lives in a few short weeks. I'm certain that you are thankful for the efforts of our faculty and staff who also adapted throughout the pandemic and kept their focus on our goal of fully training the best dentists and dental hygienists possible. I want to take this opportunity to express my pride and my gratitude to our seniors - the class of 2023 - for their determination and commitment.
Let's finish strong and celebrate your success.