Together again changing lives, one smile at a time

Together again changing lives, one smile at a time

This article is reprinted with permission from The Virginia Home’s fall newsletter.

Jeffrey Levin, D.D.S., began volunteering with The Home in the spring of 2021.

Dr. Levin owned a prominent private dental office in the West End of Richmond and retired earlier this year. Serving as a clinical professor at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry for 53 years, he is well known to many, establishing himself as an esteemed mentor and professional to all who know him.

Dr. Levin’s relationship with The Home began when Andrey Akkerman, C.N.A., dental clinic manager, suggested he serve as a supervisor to our VCU dental students.

But Andrey and Dr. Levin’s relationship began many years earlier — when Andrey was only ten years old.

Andrey and his family emigrated from Russia at that time and Dr. Levin was introduced to his family through Jewish Family Services. Dr. Levin mentored the family by not only providing dental care, but by establishing a close, personal relationship with all members of his family. The bond was so strong that Andrey’s nephew, Jeffery, was even named after Dr. Levin. He was excited to hear that Andrey was working in the dental profession as well, and was thrilled to come on board volunteering for The Home, providing supervision for the dental students, while getting to know our wonderful residents. Not only does he supervise students once a month, but readily comes anytime we need him when emergencies arise. Dr. Levin is ecstatic to be a part of The Home, sharing in its generosity and compassionate care.

Without question, Andrey as well as The Virginia Home are lucky to have Dr. Levin as part of our family.