VCU School of Dentistry gift encourages everyone to do their part for the environment

VCU School of Dentistry gift encourages everyone to do their part for the environment

Last week at VCU School of Dentistry, than 600 students, faculty and staff received school-branded Tervis® water bottles. The Office of Development and Alumni Relations distributed the gifts as part of a larger green initiative started by Interim Dean Clara Spatafore, D.D.S., M.S., to encourage everyone to reduce their use of disposable plastic packaging and become better stewards of the environment.

“The school has always emphasized service and commitment to the community, and helping the environment is a commitment to the global community that benefits us all,” says Dr. Spatafore, who is also chair of the Departments of Endodontics and Oral Diagnostic Sciences at VCU School of Dentistry. “My hope is that these bottles will be a daily reminder for everyone to take that small, extra step to reduce their impact on our environment.”

Image of a water bottle next to a decorative globe in green grass.

While branded water bottles may seem like a small step, if they prevent even half of the school from consuming a beverage in disposable packaging each day then they could lead to 100,000+ fewer bottles in the landfill each year. That’s the message that is permeating throughout the school, with regular reminders encouraging everyone to consider their environmental impact.

“From eating less meat to turning lights off or printing fewer documents, each little action adds up to a much-needed impact,” says Shane Castro, R.D.H., director of compliance, training and IMS at VCU School of Dentistry. Castro worked closely with Spatafore to champion the school’s green initiative. “We’re encouraging everyone to look at their daily operations and identify any measures that help reduce our waste both in the school and in our clinics.”

This School of Dentistry’s efforts align with VCU’s larger sustainability goals. The One VCU Sustainability Plan will serve as a comprehensive roadmap for VCU and VCU Health System to develop meaningful and impactful environmental sustainability goals. The plan’s development begins this spring as a collective and collaborative effort involving the VCU community.

“My hope is that the school will continue to champion a commitment to the environment and be a leader in VCU’s sustainability efforts, both now and as we look toward future opportunities presented in the building of a new dental school,” says Dr. Spatafore.