VIEW symposium brings experts in implant dentistry from around the world

VIEW symposium brings experts in implant dentistry from around the world

Virginia Implant Excellence Week (VIEW) may have had its start just last year, but it is already making waves in the dental community. For the second year of VIEW, experts from around the country and even abroad made their way to Richmond to listen, learn and connect with likeminded dental practitioners. 

VIEW was envisioned by Lyndon Cooper, D.D.S., Ph.D., Dean of VCU School of Dentistry; and led by Bryan Limmer, D.M.D., M.S., Director of Prosthodontics and Implant Dentistry, and the Department of Continuing Education. It was a product of passion and dedication for elevating implant dentistry throughout Virginia and beyond.

“As the only dental school in Virginia, we have a responsibility to continue to provide clinical excellence and innovation to our profession,” said Cooper. “VIEW is a wonderful opportunity for the best in our field to gather together and learn from each other. Implant technology is continuing to grow at an exponential rate and is crucial to providing the best care for our patients. I am pleased to witness not only enthusiasm for the event and the quality of speakers, but also growth from last year.”

“The more we can utilize our networks to bring people here, the better,” Limmer said. “The goal of the VIEW program is to bring leaders in implant dentistry from both our own community and beyond to share new ideas and concepts. 

Throughout the week, students, faculty and staff attended lunch-and-learn presentations delivered by faculty experts in periodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery and prosthodontics.  The week culminated in a symposium at the Westin Richmond Hotel attended by more than 160 people.

Six implant experts presented at the symposium, including VCU School of Dentistry’s own Rafael Siqueira, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D. Cooper and Limmer served as moderators for the event.

Martin Wanendeya, B.D.S., R.C.S., traveled from London to speak at the symposium. An internationally recognized implant specialist and lecturer, Wanendeya is a partner at Ten Dental in South London. It was his first time visiting Virginia.

What made this event truly special was its remarkable sense of collegiality,” said Wanendeya. “The friendliness and openness of everyone involved—from the staff and speakers to the participants—created an atmosphere that goes beyond typical professional conferences. The combination of warm interaction and high-calibre lectures made the experience both engaging and intellectually stimulating.”

Wanendeya also noted the richness and diversity of the insights. 

Each presentation brought a unique perspective that could potentially transform clinical practice,” he said. “The event was thoughtfully curated, with the venue and location playing a significant role in the overall experience. What really made this memorable for me was the chance to see some of the city and spend a little time with both Drs. Limmer and Cooper. This elevated the conference from a standard professional gathering to a truly memorable professional journey.”

“It was a wild success from my perspective,” Limmer said. “There was a lot of depth to the program and a lot of variety in our speakers’ presentations. It blended the tried and true understanding of implant dentistry with what is cutting edge.”

“The success of our second Virginia Implant Excellence Week is another testament to VCU School of Dentistry’s dedication to clinical excellence and innovation. We’re looking forward to continuing this tradition next year,” Cooper said. “Special thanks to everyone who contributed to and devoted their time to learning and listening about our wonderful profession.”

View more pictures from VIEW on VCU School of Dentistry’s Flickr account, and stay tuned for details on next year’s Virginia Implant Excellence Week.