Welcome to the new school yearDean's Blog Lyndon F. Cooper

Welcome to the new school year

It’s a new year, with new students, a few new staff members, some new faculty and new aspirations. Welcome all, and thank you for choosing to be a part of VCU School of Dentistry.

Whenever a new academic year begins, there are many things we all need to do. It’s actually amazing that it goes so smoothly. But, then again, it’s not. Our faculty and staff are a fantastic group of folks who work very hard to make it all go well for our students and their patients. And it’s this community that encourages equally wonderful folks to join us.

This year, our community grows a little more diverse and we are working every day to be even more inclusive. This trend will continue, and we’ll continue to become stronger and better able to teach, learn and care for one another and our patients. I’m glad to see the smiles that emerge from behind our masks, to see the spring in the steps of our students, to hear about the remarkable ambitions of our faculty and students, and to know that our dedicated staff are here to provide much-needed support for this next academic year.

Let’s take good care of one another and our patients. Welcome to the next new semester!

Lyndon F. Cooper, D.D.S., Ph.D., F.A.C.P.
Dean and Professor of Prosthodontics